Former NSC official suggests fake whistleblower may have had HELP from intel committee in drafting complaint…

A former CIA analyst and former NSC official, who says he’s been one of the people to edit transcripts of presidential calls with foreign leaders, has an interesting take on the so-called whistleblower complaint that was released this morning:

This is the interesting part, where Fleitz wonders if the fake whistleblower had “help”:

Would it surprise any of us if we found out that Adam Schiff and his staff helped orchestrate this complaint from the beginning? Nope. I almost expect it to be the case as desperate as some of these Democrats are to see Trump impeached.

Fleitz also suggests this will damage the relationship between the White House and the intel community:

This is similar to Philip Mudd’s reaction when this news first broke last week.

Fleitz has several good questions that will probably remain unanswered unless the DOJ appoints someone to investigate this. I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for answers…

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