On Trump’s travel ban tweet…

So I posted a rather curt and snarky post about Trump’s twitter response to the London terror attack. You can read that here.  I wanted to clarify some of my thoughts now . . .

CNN host calls Trump a ‘piece of s**t’

CNN’s Reza Aslan ripped into Trump on his Twitter account over his immediate politicization of the London terror attack to push his travel ban. This piece of shit is not just an . . .

PHOTO of TWO ATTACKERS in London with vests on…

CNN is reporting that this is possibly a photo of the assailants. .@BBCNews has released this photo taken by a professional photographer:Canisters strapped to one of two attackers shot #LondonBridge pic.twitter.com/xAMjM2WFGe — . . .

Trump touts travel ban in tweet after London terror…

In response to what looks like a horrible coordinated terror attack in London, President Trump retweeted this from Drudge: Fears of new terror attack after van 'mows down 20 people' on London . . .

And Bill Maher APOLOGIZES – guess what he blames…

Liberals are patting each other on the back after their great victory over… liberal Bill Maher. They got him to apologize for using words reserved ONLY for African-Americans in rap songs. From . . .

HBO RESPONDS to outcry over Bill Maher’s n-word joke…

It looks like old Bill is in trouble: “Bill Maher’s comment last night was completely inexcusable and tasteless,” HBO officials told the Hollywood Reporter. “We are removing his deeply offensive comment from . . .

Mattis puts North Korea ON NOTICE…

Secretary of Defense Mattis made a statement that should put a lot of fear into the fat stupid heart of North Korean totalitarian dictator Kim Jong Un. Watch below: By calling North . . .