Prager tells truth about ‘gargantuan’ lies of the left, as Bill Maher’s audience (and Procter & Gamble) conveniently prove his point

Dennis Prager should thank each and every member of the audience for Bill Maher’s show on Friday. Their reactions so to everything he said so perfectly illustrated everything that he said it couldn’t have been better if they’d planned it.

You already know about how, when Prager said that the vicious hatred people hold is making them lose all perspective, a fellow show guest abundantly proved the point in perfect pitch. But the crowd, in that clip and the one below, are even more cooperative.

Maher asked Prager whether he wouldn’t say Trump is the biggest liar of all, and Prager said he would not.

“The left wing says, I’ll give you gigantic lies: That the United States is a racist country. This is a lie. This is a gargantuan lie. This is the least racist, multicultural, multi-ethnic country in the history of the world,” he said. The audience flipped out, gasped, they couldn’t believe he’d say such a thing. Which demonstrated perfectly the power of the left’s huge lies. “That these people believe it is proof to me about how effective lying can be.”


He went on to make excellent, and what should be OBVIOUS points, about how other countries are far more racist. Keep in mind, the progressive audience probably kneels during our anthem but can’t wait to preserve things like the oppression of women in Islam because of “culture.” And speaking of the middle east, he brings up anti-Semitism too, and it’s again, a perfect point the audience is flabbergasted by.

“I’m a Jew. There are anti-Semites in America. It is a giant lie that America is anti-Semitic. I taught Jewish history at Brooklyn College, I know it, I wrote two books on Judaism,” he said. “This is the least anti-Semitic country Jews have ever lived in. To say America’s anti-Semitic is a lie. To say it’s racist is a lie. These are giant left-wing lies.”

But you know what? That audience went home thinking he was an idiot and they were right, all because he brought up the madness of what people are forced to accept by the LGBT crowd.

They acted like no one says men can menstruate. Where would he get such a crazy idea?


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