The Right Scoop

Bolton warns of instability in N. Korea

John Bolton says our chief concern should be to find out what is going on in N. Korea after the death of Kim Jong Il. He believes there’s a real possibility that . . .

The Right Scoop

Horrible violence against protesters escalates in Cairo

Egyptian protesters want the military to immediately transfer power to a civilian government as they promised, but they are met with horrific violence in return as they protest in the streets. At . . .

The Right Scoop

Rick Perry on why he opposes gays in the Military

Rick Perry is asked by a bisexual teen why he opposes gays in the military and he said the main reason has to do with his faith: As a Christian I appreciate . . .

The Right Scoop

Breaking: N. Korea reports Kim Jong Il is dead

ABC is reporting that Kim Jong Il is dead: North Korea says supreme leader Kim Jong Il has died. *** UPDATE: More detail: North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il has died, and the . . .

The Right Scoop

Newt Gingrich on Face The Nation

Newt said on Face The Nation this morning that he deserves some of the bad press he’s been getting for the Freddie Mac issue surrounding his campaign. Not because he did anything . . .

The Right Scoop

New Rick Perry ad: Momentum part 2

Rick Perry is churning out the ads, this one highlighting his last debate performance with notes from people who said he did a wonderful job: —

The Right Scoop

Ron Paul: Michele Bachmann hates Muslims

Are you kidding me? This old man whose foreign policy is nuttier than squirrel crap says that Michele Bachmann hates Muslims? I’m sorry, but Ron Paul has crossed the line here. I’ve . . .

The Right Scoop

Obamanomics: Brawndo vs Reality

This is a great analogy of the absurdity of Obamanomics, especially given the failed stimulus and the current calls for another one: Consider this an open thread. —

The Right Scoop

The Journal: Freddie Mac a big deal for Newt

The Journal Editorial Report had a segment discussing Bachmann’s attack on Newt for his dealings with Freddie Mac. Since we’ve posted much in the defense of Newt, I felt this was appropriate . . .

The Right Scoop

Proof that Ron Paul wrote his newsletters?

Turns out someone has done the hard work of proving that Ron Paul wrote the controversial newsletters he now denies writing. But he didn’t always deny writing them: In the interview, he . . .

The Right Scoop

Chinese police shut down Christmas celebration

Chinese police moved in and broke up a public Christmas celebration after local Buddhists complained. Communism is great, isn’t it? CBN NEWS – Chinese police in the village of Xintan broke up . . .