GREAT NEWS from Charles Krauthammer!

For those of us who are fans of the great Charles Krauthammer, we got some wonderful news today curtesy of Bret Baier about his condition, and possibly returning to the airwaves. Watch . . .

JUST IN: Melania Trump in the hospital…

Fox News broke the news that Melania is in the hospital this week after having undergone a medical procedure (surgery?) to take care of a benign kidney condition: BREAKING NEWS: First lady . . .

WH: Trump called Waffle House hero!

The White House revealed a few minutes ago that President Trump called the Waffle House Hero, James Shaw, to commend him for his heroic efforts a few weeks ago in stopping a . . .

Trump has a message for his trade critics….

This is definitely a tweet straight from the magic thumbs of the man himself: China and the United States are working well together on trade, but past negotiations have been so one . . .