Katy Tur just exposed herself ON-AIR!

Not only did we catch Katy Tur professing her ignorance about politics on Monday, but today she decided to up the ante and just take a biased left-wing position on air. While . . .

Oh good grief!

Last night on Hannity’s show, Laura Ingraham used Trump’s lame definition of conservatism from the primary when explaining conservatism: It’s not word for word, but it’s pretty darn close to what Trump . . .

Ok this is good move by the Trump administration…

Katie Pavlich at Townhall pointed something out that didn’t get a lot of attention today on the new DHS memos on immigration. In the new memo, the Trump administration established a new . . .


The headline should read instead, “Breitbart News finds a shred of decency in their cold bitter soul for the first time in years,” but it was too long, and it’s not entirely . . .