There is no such a thing as THE RICH

CNBC ran today an article debunking three myths about “income inequality.” The best part is this: Of those who made $1 million or more, half were millionaire earners for only one year . . .

Another BAD economic number that gets reported as GOOD

New Home Sales, the selling of newly built single-family homes in the US, is a small percent of the overall housing market but nonetheless it’s important enough that it generates monthly and . . .

You are better off “looking” for work than actually working!

Democrats run around saying the economy is GREAT but also claim things are SO bad that we need to renew Unemployment Insurance for 1.6 million people. Democrats, using the Twitter hashtag #RenewUI, claim that renewing UI will also help . . .

Obama’s TWO BOOKS have almost no mention of Mandela or Apartheid

Yossi Gestetner did a Google books search of Obama’s two books (Audacity of Hope and Dreams from My Father). Yet between the 880 sides of content, between the two of them, Obama mentions the word Apartheid only . . .

If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Pay More

Zeke Emanuel was a lead Obama advisor on healthcare in the months leading up to Obamacare becoming law. Some call him a key architect of the law. He says now sure you . . .

Schumer wakes up to Obama cut-out every morning

CNN did a story of the living quarters of a few Senators. Schumer, whose clothing fly all over the sofa and who sleeps without bed linen, wakes up to a big cut-out . . .

CNN is concerned Pentagon ‘militarizing Santa too much’

Are you kiddin’ me, CNN? Their original point about “militarizing” Santa notwithstanding, watch how CNN’s Pentagon Correspondent asks with a straight face that “the US Military does not own Santa; the World owns . . .

UPS Chief Financial Officer tells it like it is on Obamacare

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) from UPS explains to CNBC without pulling any punches why Obamacare pushed them to drop spouse coverage from 15,000 employees. It’s quite amazing considering that many firms have been . . .

Key components still plaguing

Today, two months and $1 billion after the Obamacare rollout, should have been the end of all troubles. Ya. should have: And here is crashing today on live TV at . . .

THANKSGIVING: NJ Cop saves driver from burning SUV

The heroism by Cape May, NJ Police Officer Scott Krissinger seen in this video is amazing! When he opens the door, he takes a jump back expecting the fire to explode; as it indeed . . .