Hurricane Twitter hits hypocritical Joel Osteen HARD…

One of the few times Twitter might be worthwhile anymore is when they hit on a genuine hypocrite, and Joel Osteen might be just the guy!! Osteen’s name was dragged through the . . .

NBC News TRASHES Ted Cruz in unfair SMEAR tweet!

As I predicted yesterday, the media is running with Rep. Peter King’s unfair attack on Ted Cruz and his vote on Sandy relief just because they hate Cruz as much as King . . .


Another escalation from North Korea… this time they’ve have shot a missile OVER Japan. CNN says the missile flew over Hokkaido and into the ocean. Watch below: BREAKING: North Korea launches another . . .

Trump undoing another stupid Obama regulation

Remember all the hoopla about the police having military gear during the Ferguson riots? Obama subsequently killed the program that allowed police departments to buy surplus military equipment. Well Trump is about . . .

Israel issues WARNING to Russia

Israel is now issuing warnings to Russia, saying they will bomb Assad’s palace if they allow Iran to make military advances in Syria: CBN NEWS – A senior Israeli official has issued . . .